Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Just A Pinch....

Do you have a recipe that you could never actually write down for someone? You know, one that they would have to watch you make? And one that would require them to know what a "pinch" and a "smidgen" and a "dollop" are?

My mashed potatoes are like that. I could never actually write down exaclty how to make them, because I never make them the same way. Sometimes they require more butter or more mayonaise or more sour cream. Tonight I had to add more salt.

Isn't it funny how recipes like that work? You can't write them down, even though the ingredients are always the same. I always use mayonaise, butter, sour cream, salt, pepper, and a "smidge" of ranch dressing. But sometimes it is more mayo, sometimes more sour cream, and sometimes more butter. But NEVER more ranch. I've never actually added more than just a "smidge" of ranch.

Funny thing about these mashed potatoes though, I learned to make them from my Grammy. But I LEARNED to make them. She didn't write down her recipe, she taught it to me over time. And now, I am teaching A to make them, as she is the official mashed tater taster around here.

So what recipes can you not write down?

source, source, source, source

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