Funny title. huh? But in reality it's not. See, when W and I were dating, Brad Paisley's song Mud On The Tires appropriately described our relationship. He was a country boy. I was a city girl. Yet somehow, someway (fate maybe?) our paths crossed. And pretty soon, this city girl was head over heals in love with that country boy. Every waking moment I had, I wanted to be with him. Every breath I took, I wanted to take them with him.
That has not changed. This city girl is still head over heels in love with that country boy. Except now, I'm more of a country girl than a city one. And he made me that way. He took me out of my city house and put me in a country one. He taught me that riding 4-wheelers was tons of fun. That fishing is fun (though I still refuse to bait my own hook or remove the catch from the line), that swimming in the river and the lake aren't bad at all, that sometimes it is ok to get dirty, and about a million other "country" things.
No matter where we go or what we do, I'm happy as long as he is by my side. No matter what we face or what we have to overcome, we can because we are together. We've had our moments. Lots of moments. But we've come through, stronger, better, than we ever, ever were. I am thankful, I am blessed, and I am loved. By this man. He is my rock. He is my fortress. He is my strength. He is my other half.

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