This has always been a favorite Bible verse for me. When W went through a big shake up at his former place of employment (and thank God was spared), it gave me comfort. When an amazing job opportunity opened up for him in September, it gave me peace. When I was struggling with my former job and how unhappy it made me and how much time it took away from my family, God provided it to me again. When we took a huge leap of faith and I went back to school, there it was again.
And now, when we are dealing with some other things, it is back again. God always seems to put it in front of me when I need it. Nevermind that it is printed out and taped to my dresser mirror, it was the Bible verse and topic of my daily devotional today.
Just when I think I need to do things "my" way, God reminds me to slow down and do things "His" way. To wait for him. To listen to him. To seek his guidance. To remember what HIS plans are. To remember that HE has a plan, and HIS plan is to prosper me and my family, to give us hope and a future.
Isn't it funny how God works sometimes? Just when you think you have it all figured it out, He throws in a wrench. Or he provides when you feel you are at the end of your rope and have no where else to go. I've often heard that if you want to hear God laugh, just tell him YOUR plans. Because most of the time, our plans aren't necessarily GOD'S plans. God is so good, all the time. We just have to remember to be still and listen. To be patient and wait for his timing. This is not easy for me as I am a "want it now" type person, but just when I try to get ahead of myself, God slows me down. God reminds me that HE is in control, not me. And isn't that just a wonderful thing? He provides, He loves, He gives. And He has a plan. It might not be MY plan, but that is not what is important. HIS plan is.
~He says, "Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10~

this is nice ~ hope things are ok. :)