I don't think so. And I have one. A yucky, ears hurting, throat hurting, head feels like it might explode, summer cold.
Boo. Hiss.
So, because of this, today's agenda is pretty boring. I'm working a bit this morning (because my docs don't care if I'm sick), then I'm gonna curl up in my bed, take some medicine, and get better now. Darnit. Here's to hoping that A will be down with this. I'd let her have a friend over, but I don't think that other mothers want me exposing their children to whatever yuckiness it is that has invaded my body. So, I hope she's down with a day on the couch and some movies.
I seriously DO NOT have time to be sick. Do you hear me body? I don't have time for this. I've got fun things to do. An 8-year-old daughter to hang out with. Pools to swim in. It is summer for goodness sakes. I am NOT supposed to be sick. Not. Not. Not. Maybe if I keep repeating it, my body will actually LISTEN to me. No time body. No time. No time to be sick.
But yet, here I am. Sick. My ears hurt. My throat hurts. And my head is KILLING me. Seriously. I feel like it might explode into a million pieces at any moment. And part of me wishes that would happen. Why? Well because then it wouldn't hurt like the devil anymore. Not sure where I picked up this particular ray of sunshine that has invaded my body, but I sure as heck wish I'd missed it, that is for sure.
Being sick sucks. Being sick in the summer sucks worse. Here's to hoping that this yuckiness is VERY short lived. VERY.