1. Learn to fly an airplane.
2. Travel. And I mean REALLY travel. Greece, Rome, Paris, Jerusalem, Hawaii, Grand Cayman, Canada, New York City, etc, etc, etc.
3. Watch my child graduate from college, get married, become a parent.
4. Build my dream house.
5. Skydive.
6. Learn another language. (And I took Spanish in high school, I just don't rememeber
any of it.)
7. Swim with dolphins. (and yes, my daughter has already done this one, but without
her momma!)
8. Finish all of the Disciple Bible Studies at my church.
It isn't a very long list, because I'm not one to try to make things happen. I like to live in the here and now. Enjoying my simple, little life one sweet day at a time. A pastor at our church once said in a sermon that the important thing on a headstone is the dash between the birth date and the date of death. He challenged us to "live the dash" so to speak. To live each day to the fullest. To make the most of your "dash".
So while I've compiled a bucket list, all be it a short one, I'm more focused on the here and now. Not the things I WANT to do, but the things I SHOULD do. Living each day on earth like it was my last. Being a better mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend. Enjoying the little things that make life so sweet. Not focusing on the shoulda, coulda, woulda's of life. Sure it would be great to travel all over the world, but not if I have to go at it alone. I'd want my daughter and my husband there with me. And who knows? Maybe one day the things on my bucket list will get checked off, one wish at a time. Some of them will I am sure. Some of them are just fleeting fantasies that might or might not happen.
But I can assure you of one thing, I will have "lived the dash"!
What about you? Do you have a bucket list? Are you "living the dash"?

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