That being said.....sometimes he drives me UP.THE.WALL. Ya feel me? UP.THE.WALL. And for all of those wonderful qualities I listed about him, he is still the man whose underwear I have to wash on a daily basis. I guess that is the reason some of his "shine" has worn off, at least on me.
So, there are few things, that in a perfect world, I WANT. I want:
-A husband that knows that underwear (and all his other clothes) belong in the dirty clothes hamper, strategically placed right beside his dresser, not right beside said hamper. Really? Is that a hard concept to understand? Doesn't dropping them IN the hamper require just as much effort as dropping them ON the floor?
-A husband who realizes that I do not go to Walmart for fun. I go there to shop for the things we NEED. (And maybe, occasionally, a pair of flip flops that I "need.") For some reason (and he's the numbers guy around these parts, I just spend the money..), he thinks that I'm splurging on "big ticket" items at Walmart. Um, no. Have you not seen the increase in the price of groceries? Clearly, he needs to make at least one of these trips sometime soon. With kid in tow. Hello Honey, welcome to my world.
-A husband who realizes that just because I work at home, does not mean that I don't work. And please don't get me wrong here, I know he knows I work, but I also think he thinks I have all the free time in the world. To do things for him. Or to apparently, clean house all day, every day. Not gonna happen.
-A kid who realizes the same thing. Except she just wants me to play with her all the time. This is the first summer I've done this (I just started my job in February), so this summer is a whole new world for us. We're learning by error. Somethings work, somethings don't. I like to call it "flying by the seat of my pants". Yeah. Welcome to my world.
-And finally, while one of the qualities I adore about my husband is his devotion to our daughter's school (he's President of the Board of Directors), it is also one of the things that annoys me the most. Why? Because we have precious free time as it is, and sometimes I don't wanna share. It's that simple. I don't play well with others.

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